Saturday, February 6, 2010

Italia a tavola-Chef's chicken

Pollo dello Chef
Chef’s chicken

Ingredients for 4 Servings

1 medium chicken
Fresh or dry Tarragon
Olive oil
1 shut of Cognac
2 TbS of Madera or Marsala wine
1 oz of heavy cream
salt and pepper

Chop an abundant amount of tarragon, mix it with salt and pepper and rub it inside the chicken then saw the chicken shut.

Put some olive oil in a pan and lightly fry the chicken until golden, then pour the cognac and flame it.

Put the chicken in the hot oven at about 350 degrees and continue cooking for about 45 minutes, getting it wet with its own juices, often.
When ready take the chicken out, cut it in pieces and keep it warm.

Scrape all the chicken juices with a spatula and put it in a small pot, add the heavy cream, while cooking a very slow heat stirring well. When Thicker add the Madera or Marsala wine, cook for a few minutes and cover the chicken with it right before you serve.

Serve with roasted potatoes or rice and steamed vegetables of your taste.

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